Command Line

dir. It stands for “Directory”.

cls. It stands for “Clear Screen”.


Example: dir/?

cd directory_name.

Example: cd projects

mkdir directory_name. It stands for “Make Directory”.

Example: mkdir projects.

rmdir directory_name. It stands for “Remove Directory”.

Example: rmdir projects.

echo > file_name.extension

Example: echo > projects.txt


type nul > file_name.extension

Example: type nul > projects.txt

del file_name.extension

Example: del projects.txt


Example: projects.txt

echo write_anything > file_name.extension

Example: echo This is a blog on “Command Line”. > projects.txt

start code file_name.extension

Example: start code projects.txt

type file_name.extension

Example: type projects.txt

echo write_anything >> file_name.extension

Example: echo Adding some text with the existing text. >> projects.txt

rmdir /s directory_name.

Example: rmdir /s projects.